“Alecu Russo” State University of Bălți, Republic of Moldova

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Marilena DONCEAN, PhD Recognised Researcher (R2)

“Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, Romania

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Viorel CORBU, PhD student

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

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Universal Decimal Classification: 005:338.48+004.89

JEL Classification: C53, M31




The current paper takes a methodological journey based on identifying the opportunities of assessing the increase of customer satisfaction in terms of implementing information technologies. The aim of this research is the assessment of tourist satisfaction, namely Hilton’s customers and their use of the Hilton Honors application. To reach the objective of this enterprise, it was run a multidimensional analysis of the possibilities to assess customer satisfaction in view of implementing art-of-the-state information technologies by accommodation units. Therefore, it was performed a quantitative study on assessing customer satisfaction in the tourism business. In the same context, the data were interpreted based on conclusions and relevant recommendations.  The methodology of research focused on a series of methods, such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abduction, comparison, statistical analysis, and modelling. In conclusion, we can state that the evaluation of customer satisfaction is a SMART pillar of relationship management, a factor for gaining customer loyalty, while information technologies are the main factor for increasing tourist satisfaction. Under the circumstances, the accommodation units should remodel their management system by adopting novel information technologies which will help them meet their customers' requests, be competitive and sustainable, gain the loyalty of their customers, and also identify a strategic approach for reaching a high level of competitivity.


Keywords: customer satisfaction, management, assessment of customer satisfaction, excellency, information technologies






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