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Olga BLAGORAZUMNAIA, Assoc. Prof., PhD
Free International University of Moldova
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Larisa TRIFONOVA, Lecturer, PhD
Moldova State University
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59642/JRTMED.1.2023.10
Universal Decimal Classification: 339.9:37.014 (478)(4)
JEL Classification: F63, F68
Education policy has always been an important component of a country's development agenda, but in the context of globalization and international cooperation, it has taken on even greater significance. With the rise of global interconnectedness, education has become a key factor in a country's ability to compete and succeed in the global economy. At the same time, international cooperation has become increasingly important as countries seek to share best practices, collaborate on common challenges, and promote global values such as democracy and human rights. This article will examine the educational policies of various countries (emphasis on the European Union and the Republic of Moldova) in the context of globalization and international cooperation. The article examines the impact of globalization on educational policy, including the emergence of global educational programs and the integration of technology into education. In addition, the article highlights the importance of international cooperation in the development of education policy, especially in the exchange of best practices and resources between countries.
Keywords: globalization, international cooperation, education, educational policy