Mariana G. ASSENOVA, Prof., PhD

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59642/JRTMED.1.2023.05

Universal Decimal Classification: 336.76

JEL Classification: Q01, G21, D92, E22, G24, H54


Current study examines the opportunities for individuals to invest in various money and capital market instruments, ranking, grading and analyzing each of the eleven options proposed. This issue is very relevant and affects all citizens, because in times of insecurity, crisis and war, people are scared and looking for alternatives to preserve their money’s worth and "escape" from rising inflation.
At the same time, European directives in the last decade put sustainable development, the transition to a circular economy, "green" financing, etc. at the center of economies. The extent to which the economies of Eastern Europe are prepared for this transition is a matter of debate, but it is indisputable that large-scale investments are needed for its implementation.
Investment choice has always been at the center of every economic activity. That's why we turn our attention to possible investment options in today's uncertain times.

Keywords: investment, banks, stock exchange, securities, mutual funds, cryptocurrency, gold, emergency fund


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