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Alina SUSLENCO, Assoc. Prof., PhD
Alecu Russo Balti State University
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Viorel CORBU, PhD student
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
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Octavian COZNIUC, PhD student
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59642/JRTMED.1.2023.04
Universal Decimal Classification: (004.78:621.316.1)
JEL Classification: L26, M1, Q40, Q42, Q47
The present paper represents a methodological foray into the elucidation of the human factor contribution in the efficiency of the operative management of electrical networks. The study is pursuing the role of information technologies in the efficiency of the management of electrical networks on the example of the “Red-Nord” JS company. In order to achieve the general objective of the research, we have analyzed the main information technologies that can be applied in the operative management of the energy enterprise. At the same time, the ANRE (the National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova) regulations regarding the efficiency of the operative management of electrical networks were reviewed, with the elucidation of the role of dispatchers in the operative management of electrical networks. As a result, the main activity indicators of the “Red-Nord” JS company were analyzed, along with the operational management indicators of the electricity networks in the period of 2019-2021. At the same time, conclusions and recommendations were drawn regarding the efficiency of the operative management of electrical networks through the lens of the human factor development and the introduction of information technologies.
The research methods used to elaborate this study are: analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, empirical research, comparative analysis, which helped us to identify the contribution of the human factor in the operative management of electrical networks.
In conclusion, we can note that in the last 5 years, “Red-Nord” JS company has implemented modern software in order to make the operational management of electric networks more efficient, such as: the information system of planned records, the implementation of the SCADA system, the reorganization of the dispatching system. However, we consider it necessary to make the following optimizations: making the call reception system more efficient, in order to introduce new functions that would allow reducing the response time from of company to the final consumers. Consequently, the improvement of the SCADA/OMS software would allow the efficiency of the company’s activity and increase the organizational performance.
Keywords: information technologies, energy management, operational management of electrical networks, electricity